
I’m an Associate Professor in the Information Security Group of the Department of Computer Science at University College London.

The main theme of my research is to find ways to understand and model the behaviour of systems at all scales. By using ideas from security economics, statistics, game theory, and systems modelling, we can gain insight into systems: what is their structure, how they function, and how they can be better managed. This can be used, for example, to explore how different policy choices will affect the security of an organization, or to understand how difference online communities influence the spread of information around the web.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Bath; my thesis was on using game theory to design wireless MAC protocols that prevent selfish misbehaviour by network devices. Following this, I was a postdoc in the Economics department at Bath, where I worked on modelling various aspects of the cloud computing ecosystem and also new methods of statistical bootstrapping to examine the performance of actively-managed mutual funds. I’m now researching and lecturing at UCL.

I’m originally from California, but came to the UK for university and ended up staying. Outside of work, I enjoy playing the violin, fencing, cycling, making pizza, and brewing beer.